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Sacred Heart P.S, Rock, Dungannon

News - Primary 5/6

2020/2021 School Year

25th Sep 2020
25th September 2020
22nd Sep 2020
Congratulations to the Primary 5 Class who finally got to make their First Communion....

2019/2020 School Year

5th Jun 2020
Chloe investigated 3D nets and made cuboids from different materials.  Well...
29th May 2020
Congratulations to the following pupils who have reached their target in Accelerated...
27th May 2020
 Aodhan with his Word Millionaire certificate and prize.  Congratulations...
26th May 2020
Chloe received her certificate and prize for becoming a Word Millionaire in Accelerated...
14th May 2020
As part of the Measurement work on the Home Learning Page this week, Chloe made...
11th May 2020
Chloe busy measuring liquids and learning important facts from the work set on this...
5th May 2020
Well done Grace G. Grace made a mind map using ICT to form a character description...
1st May 2020
We celebrate Our Lady in the month of May. We can make our own special May altar...