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Sacred Heart P.S, Rock, Dungannon

World Book Day Celebrations in R/P1

2nd Mar 2023

💫 The story “Stickman” by Julia Donaldson was the inspiration for our outdoor learning this week to help celebrate World Book Day. After we listened to the story in class, we walked up to the Rock Walkway on the hunt for some sticks. We were so busy exploring the grounds for sticks of all shapes and sizes.
We found short sticks, long sticks, thin sticks, thick sticks, spiky sticks and smooth sticks.
We investigated measure by ordering the sticks from smallest to biggest, and building a tall tower by piling sticks ontop of each other.
We investigated number by forming numbers 1-10 using twigs.
We heard lots of birds chirping in the trees, and decided to build our very own nest for a special “chick” in our class. We investigated shapes by making a large circle to fit around the chick.
We worked with our friends to carry large sticks, we worked in our group to complete or numeracy tasks, and we worked as a whole group to build the nest.
Our hands and noses were cold, but we had smiles on our faces… a fun way to use storybooks to extend our learning and enjoy nature 💫.

To celebrate World Book Day Reception and Primary One had the wonderful opportunity to listen to a live session of the reading of the picture book Dick the Delightful Duck by it’s author Kaye Umansky. Kaye introduced the children to Dick the Duck, she read the story, and talked about her inspiration for the book. The children loved hearing about about how Dick the Duck’s friends tried to make him feel happy when he was having a bad day. It gave them lots of ideas for kindness and showing love to one another… and also that it’s ok to have a bad day!