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Creative and Physical Development In P2/3
We are enjoying lots of creative activities which can help us develop our fine and gross motor skills.
We choose different thickness of paintbrushes depending on our desired effect for painting farm animals. We practised our cutting, rolling, sticking and spacing skills by making large collage question marks for classroom display.
Linked to our Houses and Homes topic, we expressed an interest at looking at Farms closer. Mrs Mc Kiernan brought in model-sized farms. These keep us very busy, feeding livestock, sowing crops with machinery etc. We are also reinforcing our team work skills as we work closely together, moving and arranging our play space outside.
Mrs Mc Kiernan and Mrs Mallon set us lots of different tasks when working with the large scale linking blocks. Can you make a cuboid house taller than yourselves? Can you make a cuboid fit for one of you to lie in? How many pieces would you need to make 3 cubes? etc.
Michelle, our Fundamental Skills Coach has provided us with lots of activities to help us improve our sprinting. We know to use our eyes to guide us in our own lanes, pump our arms and bend our knees to help us increase our speed. We had fun putting these goals into practise as we practised different drills then raced against one another.
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