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P2/3 September Fun
We are so happy to be back at school! We have enjoyed catching up with old friends and making new friends. We have thanked God for keeping us safe and happy during the Summer and are looking forward to learning lots of new skills.
Primary Two and Three are enjoying lots of Learning Through Play activities as part of their World Around Us topic - 'Ourselves In Autumn'.
We are loving our new outdoor classroom and made a picnic area outside, preparing and eating our own healthy snacks. We also showed Mrs Mc Kiernan how to bath babies, wash and dry baby clothes and towels. This proved very helpful indeed!
We chose to create a shoe shop and love to measure one another's feet, record measurements, try on shoes, hats and bags and practise paying with money.
We have enjoyed lots of activities in Literacy focused on the book 'Beegu'. Poor little Beegu crash landed on Earth, he was very lonely so we found the perfect friends for him!
We are making the most of the September sunshine and love having circuits outside for our Physical Development.
Sacred Heart P.S, Rock, Tullydonnell Road, Dungannon, County Tyrone BT70 3JE | Phone: 028 8775 8510