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Sacred Heart P.S, Rock, Dungannon

P2/3 Maths Trail

6th Jan 2016

In Term One, Primary Two and Three really enjoyed completing some numeracy challenges provided by Miss Jones for Maths Week. We focused on using our 'Maths Eyes' to look at an ordinary picture in a new 'numeracy tinted' light. In small groups, we were able to identify patterns, set each other addition / subtraction/ shape / odd /even/ money questions to answer. We enjoyed the range of different challenges each group came up with.

We were very keen to use our school environment to create our own class Maths Trail. In our small groups, we selected an area outside to concentrate on and come up with an interesting range of numeracy questions to answer. We put all our work together to create our very own P2/3 Maths Trail.

P2/3 Maths Trail (6th Jan 2016) View download document