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Sacred Heart P.S, Rock, Dungannon

Our Week in School

29th Sep 2018

This week in school we sang the nursery rhyme Incy Wincy Spider and participated in some activities to go with the rhyme. We learned some actions to go with the rhyme, wiggling and spreading out fingers to help with our fine motor control for pre-writing. We made Incy Wincy from play dough, working our fingers to manipulate the dough, and counting out Incy's legs. We strengthened our pincer grip by using tweezers to lift the spider onto the web, and developed our 1:1 corespondance by making sure each spider had a spot on the web. We explored pattern and the properties of glue when we made some sparkly spiders webs. 

We decorated the home corner for a party by cutting out bunting and using sellotape to stick it down, and in the play dough we made cakes and buns for the party.

We investigated the number 2, finding sets of 2 in the class, recording sets of 2, writing number 2 on white boards, making number 2 with play dough, beads and pom-poms.

We are learning some independent skills by labelling our own work and taking responsibility for our own things.

So many learning experiences packed into play!