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Sacred Heart P.S, Rock, Dungannon

Our Healthy Eating Taster Day

31st Jan 2019

Today the school council ran a very successful 'Healthy Eating Taster Day' .

First of all the school council handed out every class in the school a survey asking what their favourite fruit was and what new fruits they would like to taste. Going by the results of these surveys the school council knew what fruit and healthy snacks to buy.

To get started some members of the school council had to take a journey into Tesco in Cookstown with Master Mc Ginn and Miss Connolly.

In the shop the boys and girls knew exactly what to buy.

When they got back to school Miss Connolly and the school council started to wash and prepare the fruit and healthy snacks.

Here is just some examples of the fruits and snacks that were available: Apples, kiwi's, carrot sticks, bread sticks, crackers, blueberries, strawberries, peaches', pears, cherries and many many more, the whole school had a great variety to pick from!

Reception right up to Primary 7 all got a chance to sample fruits that they like and they tasted some new fruits.

The healthy snacks and fruits looked so colourful and well prepared.

A big WELL DONE to the school council as they pulled of another successful day and a huge THANKYOU as they were a great help in preparing this day and even cleaning up after themselves!

We look forward to the next event that the school council organises.