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Primary 2&3 have started their week of with learning about measurements, they have been using rulers, cubes and many different objects in class to measure with. What a busy, fun way to end a Monday!
P2 used cubes to measure the height and width of certain objects, they also compared each other's heights and discovered that Conall was the tallest in P2😊.
P3 have been introduced to Centremetres. They have been using rulers to draw lines of different lengths, measuring the length of objects, the width of their hands and the length of their fingers.
The boys and girls have already shown a great wealth of knowledge measuring in cm and using cubes, well done P2&3!
We hope to measure many more things during the rest of the week 😊.
Sacred Heart P.S, Rock, Tullydonnell Road, Dungannon, County Tyrone BT70 3JE | Phone: 028 8775 8510