Access Keys:

Sacred Heart P.S, Rock, Dungannon

Learning more about why objects float or sink in P6 and P7

5th May 2016

We are investigating the weight of objects to decide if this has an impact on floating and sinking.  We weighed each object and predicted if it would float or sink before putting the object in water to see the result.  

We learned that some objects that were lighter than others sank and some of the heavier objects floated.  

 We wanted to learn more...........

We learned about how the shape, air and density of an object can affect if floats or sinks.  We were very interested to learn about the density of objects and about how some materials eg. Steel have tightly packed molecules making the object sink but wood has loosely packed molecules making the object sink.  

We decided to investigate.........

Could we make playdough float?

We used fair testing and only changed one factor at a time.  Each group got the same weight of playdough as a tennis ball.  Pupils used scales to weight their playdough.  Thinking about the shape of the playdough the pupils began to mould it to see if they could make it float.  We could not make the playdough float and concluded that putting the playdough in the water packed the molecules tighter together increasing the density.  We enjoyed the challenge and the learning experiences from our investigation.