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Autumn Time! 😀
Recently P2&3 have been learning about the four seasons we have in a year. We have also been learning the months that go along with these seasons. What a better way to learn all about Autumn than having our own leaf investigation! We discovered how leaves change colour in Autumn time and fall from the tress. We discussed how leaves turn into unusual colours, different patterns and can look so beautiful!
Today we carried out our own little investigation finding unusual leaves and using magnifying glasses to get a real close look at some of the colours and patterns mixed through some leaves. After collecting our leaves we then carried out some art, cutting the original leaf in half and trying to create the other half ourselves by using a different mixture of colours.
In the end P2&3 created a lovely classroom display for their room! 😊
Sacred Heart P.S, Rock, Tullydonnell Road, Dungannon, County Tyrone BT70 3JE | Phone: 028 8775 8510