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Sacred Heart P.S, Rock, Dungannon

3D & 2D shapes

1st Oct 2018

Primary 2&3 have been learning all about 2D and 3D shapes, with P3 focusing more on the properties of 3D shapes, such as the number of edges and vertices a shape has. They enjoyed using shapes and discovering some things inside and outside the classroom that is the same as some 3D shapes. 

We learnt a little poem to help us remember about 3D shapes, we hope you enjoy 😊

' 3D shapes are fat not flat,

A cone is like a party hat!

A sphere is like a bouncy ball,

A cuboid is like a building tall

A cyclinder is like a can of pop,

A cube is like the dice you drop.

3D shapes are here and there!

3D shapes are everywhere!'